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Information & Communication Technologies Pathway

Information & Communication Technologies Pathway

Principles of Computer Science
Grade: 10-12
Duration: Year
Credits: 10
UC/CSU: Yes; “g” – Elective
Prerequisite: Algebra I

This course is an introduction to computer science. Students learn algorithms and use
programming techniques to solve problems. The course covers the history and social
implications, great principles, future of computing, beautiful applications that have changed the
world, and progress in other fields that has resulted from computers and programming.
Relevance of computing to the student and society will be emphasized. Students will complete a
number of substantial programming projects. Students will learn about Iogical structures and
algorithms that will help prepare them to take more advanced science, math, and technology

AP Computer Science A
Grade: 10-12
Duration: Year
Credits: 10
UC/CSU: Yes; “g” - Elective
Prerequisite: A grade of B or better in Algebra II or C or better in Pre-Calculus.
Prior programming experience is recommended. Example: basics of procedural
programming in a language similar to Java (example Python).
Approximate Homework: 1 hour/day, 5 days/week; extra hours for weekend
homework, assignments and semester projects.

This course is designed to prepare the student for the Advanced Placement Examination in
Computer Science. It is a computer programming course. The major emphasis in this course is
on programming methodology, algorithms, and data structures. The programming language used
will be JAVA. Applications of computing provide the context in which these subjects are treated.
Applications are used to develop student awareness of the need for particular algorithms and
data structures, as well as to provide topics for programming assignments to which students can
apply their knowledge. Treatments of computer systems and the social implications of computing
are integrated into the course. Students should understand that this course is designed to be a
fourth-year math course, and the equivalent of an introductory, one-semester, non-calculus
based, college-level statistics course. The course requires a working knowledge of Algebra II and
quantitative reasoning. This course requires more reading and writing than most traditional math

Animation is both a CTE & VAPA course. Students will learn the principles of animation and the value of pre production through character design and storyboarding. Animations will be hand drawn on IPADS or created using stop motion. No prerequisites needed, just an interest in animation. All materials provided.

Computer Science