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Health Department Course Offerings

Health Department Course Offerings


Grade: 9

Duration: One semester

Credits: 5

University of California (U.C.)/California State University (C.S.U.): No U.C./C.S.U. admission requirements met by this course

Prerequisite: None

This course meets the District graduation requirement for Health Education. 

This course has been designed using the Health Framework for California Public Schools. It provides a comprehensive, sequentially planned program to positively influence the knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviors of individuals related to health. This in-depth health education program includes relevant health information that would lead students to make informed decisions resulting in a healthy lifestyle now and in the future. The subjects covered in this course will include decision-making, goal-setting, communication, stress management, conflict-resolution, suicide-awareness and prevention, consumer and community health, communicable and chronic diseases, sex education, individual growth and development, environmental health, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, nutrition, physical fitness, injury prevention and safety.



Grade: 9-10

Duration: One semester

Credits: 5

University of California (U.C.)/California State University (C.S.U.): No U.C./C.S.U. admission requirements met by this course

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in English Language Development 2 or 3

The curriculum and standards in this course parallels the mainstream Health course. The teacher ensures the material is accessible for English Language Learners.