Special Education Department
As required by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), San Mateo Union High School District provides a continuum of services for students with disabilities. All programs are open to students in grades 9 to 12. Not all programs are provided at each campus; students are placed through the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process in the program that best meets their needs.
The services available at San Mateo High School are the Directed Studies Program, and Specialized Academic Instruction (SAI). Students with an IEP may receive one or two periods of Directed Studies which supports their work in the mainstream classes. Specialized Academic Instruction serves students whose academic needs are best met through direct instruction from a special education teacher with a modified curriculum. Students with an IEP are assigned a case manager who assist in scheduling classes, implements the student’s IEP and acts as a liaison for the student, parent, general education teacher, administrator and academic counselors.
Other related services offered at San Mateo High School are: Speech and Language Services, Vocational Services, and Mental Health Services.
Students may be referred for special education assessments by their parent, teacher or school counselor. All requests for an evaluation are processed through the Student Study Team (SST). State Eligibility Criteria must be met for a student to receive special education services. Placements are determined by the IEP team.