Counseling Philosophy
SMHS counseling department Philosophy is to support the academic and social emotional success of students throughout high school. We educate students on how to Navigate high school, how to access support, and steps to take to achieve their goals. As grade level counselors, we get to know all our students over their 4 years, keeping track of their academic process, working with parents and teachers and teaching our students how to advocate for themselves.
Tier 1 curriculum - guaranteed counseling curriculum for all students presented each fall and Spring
9th Grade - Intro to High School, understanding resources, and Career Assessment, Graduation requirements and college entrance requirements, planning 10th grade classes.
10th Grade - 4-year academic planning in California Colleges, Planning for Junior Year
11th Grade - Understanding college systems, Financial Aid preparation, planning for senior year
12th grade - Planning for Life After High School
ELD Students - Intro to High School, Understanding Graduation Requirements, How to access resources in the community and at SMHS
In addition, all counselors offer grade level appropriate workshops and individual advising as needed.
- 9th and 10th grade counselors present information to families every year at Back to School Night
- 11th and 12th grade counselors offer Junior Family Night and Senior College Night Spring and Fall to educate families on the college application process. Presentations are offered in English and Spanish
- The ELD counselor offers Fall Community College presentation in Spanish
We work Closely with The College and Career Center, Wellness Department and our Family Engagement Coordinator to provide many layers of service to SMHS Students. For more information, check the links to grade level pages, and check emails regularly for important dates and information from your counselor!
SMHS Counseling Spring 2025 Assignments:
Class of 2028: Veronica Gasco, vgasco@smuhsd.org
Counseling Assistant: Tammy Maldonado tmaldonado@smuhsd.org
Contact Us
Class of 2025 (12th Grade)
Crystal Beltran
Appointments: bit.ly/beltransched
Class of 2026 (11th Grade)
Jane Zimmerman - Department Chair
Appointments: bit.ly/mszimmappointments
Class of 2027 (10th grade)
Nicole Ellis
Appointments: bit.ly/Ellissched
Class of 2028 (9th grade)
Veronica Gasco
Appointments: bit.ly/gascosched
ELD Students (All Grades)
Alex Chavez Andrade
Appointments: bit.ly/chavezsched