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Athletic Boosters

Athletic Boosters

San Mateo High School Athletic Boosters is a parent-led volunteer group of parents who raise funds to subsidize our sports program by supporting our Athletic Department and coaches. San Mateo High School, with the support of the Athletic Boosters, has been able to maintain its outstanding sports programs and pay for supplemental uniforms, equipment, transportation and coaches, as well as a much-needed athletic trainer. We need your help to continue to raise money to provide the student athletes with the equipment they need to be successful. Your generous donations help us to bridge these budget gaps.  

Parent volunteers are welcome to join the fun as we sell tickets, sweatshirts and snacks at home football and quad basketball games. Time commitments are flexible and based on your availability and schedule. San Mateo High School and the Athletic Boosters also support our student athletes by giving them the environment, support, and incentives to remain academically eligible to continue playing their respective sports.

We believe that participation in team sports can help develop confidence and self-esteem while giving students a better understanding of the value of hard work, sportsmanship and cooperation.

Website: San Mateo High School Bearcats Online Sports

Athletic Booster Info Sheet - English

Athletic Booster Info Sheet - Spanish

2023-24 Athletic Boosters Board

Mike Morganstern, President
TBD, Vice President
Marah Curry, Treasurer
Lisa Salles, Secretary
Shari Countryman, Bearcat Gear Coordinator
Yvette Morales, Concessions Coordinator
Heidi Walweber, Family Pass Coordinator
Alex Oddo, Participation Coordinator
Rodney Prezeau, Member at Large
Blair Fingerhut, Member at Large
Jeff Scheller, Athletic Director
Yvonne Shiu, Principal

The Athletic Boosters welcomes all comments and suggestions; please feel free to contact us at: