Peer Tutoring
Peer Tutoring
At San Mateo High School, we are proud that many of our students take on positions of leadership, work collaboratively with one another, and take actions that improve the school community. Our Peer Tutoring program exists in order to both support students who are struggling in specific academic areas and to create opportunities for students who have mastered particular content and skills.
This course is designed to strengthen students’ verbal skills, listening skills, leadership skills and content area skills while practicing empathy within a structure academic setting. Tutors undergo continued training and reflection to accelerate the skills of struggling students while offering model study habits and classroom behavior. Peer tutoring offers tutors the opportunity to engage in authentic, content area discussions. In addition, the tutors will present struggling students the opportunity to practice content specific vocabulary in context.
Participating students must be in 11th or 12th grade and will earn 5 credits per semester towards graduation. Students will earn a letter grade (A-F) for their work in the class each semester.