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Summer Internship Program

Summer Internship Program

2023 Biotechnology Career Pathway Summer Internship 

Group photo of Biotech Interns with SMHS Biotech Teacher Jimmy Ikeda

In 1994 SMUHSD Teacher Ellyn Daugherty designed and implemented the Biotechnology Career Pathway program (BCP), working closely with its Biotech Industry-Education Advisory Committee.  SMHS teacher Jimmy Ikeda became the lead teacher of the program in 2003 and took over the internship program in 2008.

Each year the internship program prepares students for research and manufacturing positions in academic and industrial biotechnology laboratories. The concepts and skills developed in the internship program prepare students for post-secondary STEM courses and placement in entry-level positions at local biotechnology companies.  Beyond laboratory expertise, students gain valuable insight and familiarity with the world of work that facilitates college, career, and life decisions. The internship program is open to any Biotechnology Career Pathway student who has successfully completed at least one year of biotechnology at any of  the three campuses (Aragon, Mills and San Mateo).  

SMUHSD - Biotechnology Career Pathway Internship Program 2023 Summer Internship Presentations

This past summer,  45+ SMUHSD students  interviewed with Bay Area pharmaceutical and biotech companies, and 18 students obtained internship positions. On August 3, students from Aragon, Mills and San Mateo High Schools presented on what they learned during their eight-week Biotechnology Summer Internships. Each intern had a mentor and training program for the position they accepted. 

Thank you to the following companies who provided internships for SMUHSD students: 

  • Vitalant Research Institute

  • Segan Industries

  • Target Discovery

  • Kezar Life Sciences

  • Bay Area Bioscience Education Community (BABEC)

  • Day One Pharmaceuticals


Interested in learning more or partnering with SMHS to offer an internship? Contact:
Jimmy Ikeda (SMHS):
Bryan Olney (SMHS) : 
Katie Ward (Aragon): 
Leigh-Anne Ecklund (Aragon): 
Mary Rustia (Mills):