Detention Policy
Detention Policy
Students may be assigned after school detention by the Dean of Students or school administrator as a consequence for violating school rules. Some examples of behaviors that may result in being assigned detention are:
Having your cell phone outside of your Yondr pouch
Leaving campus during lunch
Being late to class during a Tardy Sweep
Detention is held most Wednesdays and Fridays in the Cafeteria from 3:00-4:00 pm. Students will receive a written summons and are expected to report to the Cafeteria by 3:00. Students who arrive late will not be admitted. Students must be sure to sign-in to receive credit for their served detention.
If students do not serve assigned detentions within 2 weeks, the time doubles. If detentions are not served within 1 month, students will be assigned Saturday School.
Students cannot attend out of school activities until all detentions or Saturday School assignments are served.
Students may complete alternatives to detention via community service at Dean/ AP discretion.