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Student Academic Integrity Policy

Student Academic Integrity Policy


BP 5131.9 Students/ Academic Honesty  

Philosophy and Purpose

Academic integrity is about honesty. Thus, it applies to homework, class work, and assessments, regardless of point value. We care about your learning of the material taught, as well as your character development. Therefore, academic integrity violations will not be tolerated. Academic integrity is an integral component in fostering self-respect, achievement, and positive relationships among all stakeholders in our District community. Our Academic Integrity Policy is intended to clarify our expectations for all students to maintain an ethical climate that values honesty, effort, and respect for others. This policy also delineates the consequences for students if they do not meet the District’s academic integrity expectations.  

Definitions of Academic Misconduct

Cheating is a form of academic dishonesty in which an individual undermines the integrity of an assignment or exam.

Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following:  

  • Copying an assignment or test  
  • Improper electronic capturing, recording, or photography of exams and other testing materials
  • Use of AI generators or chatbots on any part of an assignment  
  • Allowing others to copy an assignment or test  
  • Giving or receiving test information  
  • Using unauthorized resources during an assessment  
  • Submitting the same assignment or presentation more than once without prior teacher approval  
  • Working on and/or completing an assignment collaboratively without teacher authorization  
  • Stealing testing materials  
  • Pressuring or encouraging another student to violate this Academic Integrity Policy, or, planning with another to commit a violation of this policy

Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty in which an individual submits or presents another person's work or computer-generated work as the student’s own. Plagiarism exists when:  

  • There is no recognition given to the original author for phrases, sentences, and ideas of the author incorporated in a paper or project  
  • A portion of a document is copied from an author, or composed by another person or AI/ chatbot, and presented as original work 

Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, the following:  

  • Presenting another author’s entire work as your own  
  • Copying a summary from another source and incorporating it into your work  
  • Submitting an essay or story written by anyone else  
  • Using another author’s sentences or phrases without using quotations and/or citing your source
  • Use of AI generators or chatbots to create any part of an assignment  
1st Offense in any course
  • Communication with the student - notification via grade comment and/or conversation
  • Parent / Guardian notification
  • Grade of zero or F on assignment and/or assessment
  • Referral to Intervention to the Dean of Students / Administration
  • Dean of Students / Administration documents violation in Aeries (assertive discipline)
  • The student is placed on an Academic Integrity Agreement 
  • 1-day Suspension or Alternative to Suspension (If a violation has occurred that involves the alteration or falsification of records or
    assessments and/or theft, attempted theft, of records or assessments, the consequence will automatically be elevated to a
    second offense.)

2nd Offense in any course:  

  • All consequences listed in First Offense plus the following: 
  • Removal from participation or having a leadership role in a club, scholarship group, student government,
    athletic team, or other extra-curricular activity for the remainder of the semester/season.  If an infraction occurs at the end of a
    semester or season, the removal will apply to the following semester/season.
  • Drop F in the class in which the infraction occurred
  • Conference with Dean or School Administrator, Parent/Guardian, and Student
  • Teacher/Counselor notification for the status of letters of recommendation
  • 3-day Suspension 
  • Formal Reprimand Contract with the District

3rd Offense in any course:     

  • All consequences in First & Second Offenses plus the following:
  • Conference with a School Administrator, Parent/Guardian, Student, and District Administrator
  • Drop F in the class in which the infraction occurred
  • 5-day Suspension 
  • Administrative Transfer Recommendation