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Student Cellphone Policy

Student Cell Phone Policy

In the 2021-2022 school year, San Mateo became a cell phone free learning environment.  Our goal is to improve the climate and culture in our classrooms and on campus by eliminating cell phone distractions during instructional time.  Students keep their cell phones in pouches during the school day.  Any student who does not own a cell phone must have a “No Phone Pass” verified by parent/guardian.  Students place their cell phone in the pouch at the start of each school day and are able to access their phone after their last class has ended.  Smartwatches that have the ability to connect to cell service must also be placed in pouches at the start of the school day.  Students must be in possession of their pouch at all times during the school day, even if they do not bring their phones to school.

Here is a PDF of the Student Cell Phone Agreement.

Lost or damaged pouches must be replaced for a fee of $25.00.

*If a student self-reports a non-functioning Yondr pouch, they can get a used pouch for free.

Airpods (wireless earbuds) should be used only to listen to music. Airpods can be used at the discretion of the teacher while in class. Outside of class, students must follow the “one in, one out” rule for safety purposes.

Daily Procedure

Building Entrance: As students enter the building, they will:

  1. Turn their phone off before their first period class. 

  2. Unlock their empty Yondr Pouch using an unlocking base at the building entrance(s) or a classroom.

  3. Place their phone inside the pouch, securely close it and store it in their backpack.

Each student will maintain possession of their cellphone inside their Yondr Pouch for the duration of the school day. 

Yondr Pass: Students who forget their Yondr Pouch or cell phone are expected to pick up a “Yondr Pass” from the Student Services window upon arriving to campus or before their first scheduled class. If students ask for a Yondr pass past their first class, they will also be assigned an hour of detention. Students who forget their Yondr pouch will be expected to turn in their cell phone and can pick it up at the end of the day. Students’ tardiness to class will not be excused due to picking up a “Yondr Pass”. Students will be assigned detention for every 5 Yondr passes.

Building Exit: As students exit the building at the end of the school day, they will:

  1. Unlock their pouch using an Unlocking Base in a classroom or building exit(s).

  2. Remove their phone from their pouch.

  3. Securely close their empty pouch and place it in their backpack for the next day.

(Exception: excused absence for a doctor’s appointment in which case the student will unlock their pouch at the Main or Attendance office)


Below is a list of potential student violations. Each of these violations will result in the student’s phone and/or pouch being confiscated by school administration. 

  1. Physical damage to the pouch in an attempt to circumvent its intended purpose. (Ex: discoloration, pen marks, bent pin or stripped lock inside the pouch)

  2. Forgetting or losing the pouch. 

  3. Using a phone during school hours. 

  4. Storing other items besides phone and or smartwatch. 

Disciplinary Action

Students who violate the Cellphone Policy will be subject to consequences per the Discipline Matrix.